List section

Administration area / List sections

The first section of each component is the list and, as its name suggests, it is a list of all the items that have been created for a component.

When no items have been created, the navigation between sections is disabled as there is no content to view. Instead, a large “add” button with a message is displayed, guiding you to create the first item in the list. Once you add an item, the list will be displayed as a sidebar and other sections will be visible as well. The list section can be either displayed or hidden as you click on the tab containing its name. If you hide the other sections the list will be displayed horizontally, full width.

List section in administration area

Buttons and options in this section:

1Add buttonThe button is placed right under the component’s list tab and it does exactly what its name suggests: it adds a new item in your list.2Search inputThis feature is very helpful when you have many items in your list, as it helps you filter and find the specific item you are looking for. Once you start typing, a small close button appears that erases the entire text in the input.3PaginationIt offers information on how many pages/ items there are in the list and it eases navigation between them. You can either use the next and/or previous buttons or you can insert directly the page number in the input that is provided. The pagination is displayed on top as well as at the bottom of the list.4List itemEvery item in the list has a name and a unique id. For some components, such as businesses and calendars, we can upload and display images. If no images were uploaded, an icon will be displayed instead.

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