Administration area / Interactive extensions / AmenitiesThe amenities extension can be used for any type of utilities, resources etc as long as it doesn’t have a stock or a duration. In that case, you should use the Products or Services extensions.
You can create a new amenity by accessing the interactive extensions menu > amenities and by pressing the ‘add’ button from the list.
Main Settings
Once you have created an amenity, you can customise it in the configuration section. Main settings incorporate three tabs, ‘main data’, ‘applied to’ and ‘actions’. The standard options for amenities in the ‘main data’ include all the price settings.
1NameEdit this field to change the name of the amenity. Only you can see this name.2LabelEdit this field to create a label for your amenity. This is what your clients will see.3OperationSelect if the number will be added or subtracted from the reservation's total price. By default, the value is set to be added to the price.4Price typeSelect whether the number is a fixed price or percent of the reservation. The default type is fixed price.5For fixed price you have the following settings:5APrice valueType in the fixed price that will be added or subtracted. Only number characters and ‘.’ are allowed. By default the value is 0.5BPromo priceAdd a promotional price if needed. It will be displayed as a discount.5CApplyThis will determine how many times the price will apply. It can be applied only once or by period (per day, hour etc). By default, it will apply once.5DPeriod size (days/minutes)This input will be displayed only if you select to apply the price by period. Type in the number to set the frequency by days or minutes. The default value is 1.5EToggleWhen enabled, it will multiply the price with the number selected by your clients. By default, it will apply for a single reservation item. By default, the toggle is disabled.6For percent price you have the following settings:6APercent valueType in the percent value that will be added or subtracted. Only numbers and ‘.’ are allowed. The default value is 0.6BPromo percentAdd a promotional percent value if needed. It will be displayed as a discount.

Advance Settings
The second tab in the main settings, ‘applied to’ can be used to link the amenity to one or more calendars and the third tab, ‘actions’ is used to delete or duplicate it. Advanced settings for amenities include custom prices, availability, schedule and conditions. To learn more about the advanced settings of the plugin, check out the links below.