Pinpoint Buchungssystem WordPress Plugin (PRO-Version) Ansichten

Durchschnittliche Bewertung

4.6 von 5 sternen (283 ansichten)

  • 5 sternen (233)
  • 4 sternen (18)
  • 3 sternen (8)
  • 2 sternen (6)
  • 1 ster (18)

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  • Very quick support

    Very quick support. Thank You

    Fred-Lange 10 jahre vor
  • Great Work!

    Great Work!

    PetGroomalicious 10 jahre vor
  • Bug fixed very fast

    bug fixed within half an hour after submitting ticket. Excellent service!

    billpiu 10 jahre vor
  • Amazing plugin!

    as it is this plugin is amazing.
    -need more Languages. problably not your fault anyway :)
    -need more skins or simple way how to chage the look of the calendar and all de additional fields and info boxes that appear depending on the settings.
    -the possibility to add multiple cuppon codes for one callendar.

    its a great plugin. and a lot potentional to grow.


    Aldis 10 jahre vor
  • Fast fix

    We had a bug but its solved verry quickly

    B4uCMS 10 jahre vor
  • Nice and strong plugin

    Nice and strong plugin

    salihturk 10 jahre vor
  • Support

    Great instant support to fix my issue!
    Five Stars

    hawky443 10 jahre vor
  • Fast support

    most important things - fast respond and good care about customers. Deservedly 5 stars

    lightgraffiti 10 jahre vor
  • Very cheap

    The product itself is amazing! It has the capabilities and stability of all the major lodging software providers, but at a RIDICULOUS price. Seriously, check around and you'll find comparable software from the "big name" companies for THOUSANDS of dollars plus monthly fees etc. This has been a lifesaver for me as a designer. The client I purchased this for couldn't be happier!

    So, with all the versatility, it's got to be complicated to set up right? Not at all! The whole process is simple and straightforward. Very intuitive! And if you do hit a snag, their customer support is incredible! You post in their support forum, and they come back with a solution in no time.

    If you need more help, they'll log in and go wayyy above and beyond to make sure you get the help you need. These folks are the best!

    I'm a real customer, not being paid, just thrilled to see all of the support and to have such a wonderful solution for my client :)

    nickholt 10 jahre vor
  • Great product!

    Keep the development going!

    lefi 10 jahre vor
  • Improved support

    The support has improved tremendously from when I first purchased this plugin.

    MCDVL 10 jahre vor
  • Great PlugIn and Great Support!

    Great PlugIn and Great Support!

    ploenske 10 jahre vor
  • Great for hotels

    This plugin is great for my business (hotel room booking). Thank you.

    anteloff 10 jahre vor
  • Great job!

    I really like the plugin, loads of features and lots of scope to get better with more integrated features such as Google calendar etc.

    Support wise they guys are on it.

    jonathanknight7 10 jahre vor
  • Great customer support!

    Great customer support!

    speakbyte 10 jahre vor
  • WooCommerce

    perfect integration with woocommerce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    c2intelligent 10 jahre vor
  • Perfect

    does what is says on the box

    Nosebolt 10 jahre vor
  • Great plugin!

    Wonderful and very easy to custom!

    eskiz_elizondo 10 jahre vor
  • Very fast answer in the own support forum.

    Very fast answer in the own support forum.

    konus77 10 jahre vor
  • It´s a really amazing Plugin with a lot of great functions and a pretty nice support..!

    I definitely purchase it for other projects, too.

    Special thanks to Marian

    ps. Please give us the option to work with zero decimals and a comma-seperator as fast as possible for you.. Thank you!

    IndikatorDesign 10 jahre vor

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