Pinpoint Buchungssystem WordPress Plugin (PRO-Version) Ansichten

Durchschnittliche Bewertung

4.6 von 5 sternen (283 ansichten)

  • 5 sternen (233)
  • 4 sternen (18)
  • 3 sternen (8)
  • 2 sternen (6)
  • 1 ster (18)

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  • Nice plugin

    I like the plugin and will continue using it. The response for support is a little bit slow, but all in all, a good booking plugin.

    nina_bzetvgwc 11 Monate vor
  • Generally good but some flaws

    We used it for our center so the facilitators can book rooms. For most of them it is just to complex even though the interface seems very easy to use. Some not so tech savvy people had their troubles.
    Also some parts like the different calendars were not displayed in the backend for some of our members even they used the same browser (Firefox) and the same wifi network, just another computer, most Windows.
    We now switched to Google Calendar which is easier to use for everybody.

    bodhi1970 4 jahre vor
  • Works but needs some features...

    It works ok. But lacks some core features real places need.
    - Need to be able to edit a booking. What if the user makes a mistake on zip code or what if the user needs to update something after they book
    - Need to be able to re-send the notifications to the users and/or admin
    - Need a way to hide past reservations or mark them as done, the auto expired really is not helpful

    Overall a good system, with a few additional needed features, it can be a great system. It does not seem like they talked to many "real world" operations before designing it.

    tom5 4 jahre vor
  • Not intuitive

    Not intuitive design. It is not clear that you need to click twice in order to select a single date.

    kivela 4 jahre vor
  • Very poor documentation I'm puzzled!

    I bought the pro version and it looks very nice but it’s extremely difficult to understand, documentation is very poor!

    Documentation is not even up to date! In Back end – General information: Can’t find any FAQ in settings as shown in documentation screen dump, settings have entirely other look and why have double information? There’s no extra info to the self explanatory menus.

    The first three calendars have no delete basket, why is that? Bugg?
    How do I make a basic set up with this plugin. I don´t understand the custom posts! How do I use them, what are they for? If choose to show the post it’s either to the page with same name or don’t show any content (broken link).

    Tip! if you want to sell more of the pro version, make a comprehensive documentation or even better Youtube videos.

    Stephan Soderberg 5 jahre vor
  • Good plugin once you get the hang of it. Great support team.

    Excellent and versatile plugin once you get the hang of it. Documentation could be improved as it provides only very basic guidance. However, this is made up for by a very good support team.

    Anonymouse1 8 jahre vor
  • Cool plugin with great support

    Lots of features, good translation tool, extensive plugin.

    Few features are missing but the support is very reactive and welcomes suggestions.

    Plus they answer quickly and efficiently to any question about the plugin. A pleasure to work with them.

    Lomic 8 jahre vor
  • Booking System Plugin

    This is by far the best free booking plugin that is available on WordPress today. I have tried them all at some point. I had to wait for support but I fully accept that as I have the free version – would recommend

    stevev6 9 jahre vor
  • Almost what we needed

    We weren't able to use this plugin without some modifications, but the developer made them for us quickly when we asked.

    It's now working close to exactly the way we had hoped it would, albeit in conjunction with WooCommerce. We look forward to seeing more flexibility added in future updates.

    Eggmeng 9 jahre vor
  • My opinion

    A little clunky design-wise, but overall a great plugin that gets the job done.

    cscottbrown 9 jahre vor
  • Nearly perfect!

    Would be great if it could work with minutes as well!

    bdechabot 9 jahre vor
  • Not very flexible

    This is very good coded plugin, but features so not flexible. One year i am waiting for Payment System integration API.

    Hayk-Jomardyan 10 jahre vor
  • Always improved

    Previously I had given this 3 stars, but the continued effort by the team to improve the UI and also the plugin features warrants the extra star.

    4 Star ****

    (Good support and customer service as well)

    harpo1984 10 jahre vor
  • Lots of features

    This is the only booking plugin that is affordable which packages with most of the features that I need. Constantly upgrading with new features as well. Area of improvement can be include more detailed information in the documentation since many people, I would imagine, have not much knowledge of the application. The more information the documentation has, the less questions the user would ask. Thanks for the great plugin!

    mzjleonny 10 jahre vor
  • Work in progress

    Good looking system, lots of potential, still clearly a work in progress with lots of rough edges but the customer support are very responsive.

    lpcollier 10 jahre vor
  • Not good with mediocre themes

    This booking system seems good on its own, but when tied in with a mediocre WordPress theme it an down right be a stinker.

    jmedellin 10 jahre vor
  • Good

    this is very good.

    tonyrufa 10 jahre vor
  • Very Useful Plugin

    This is great plugin for booking system.. I will buy a pro for this. thanks for this plugin.

    merwintest 12 jahre vor

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