
Administration area / Passive extensions / Discounts

The discount extension can be used to deduct an amount from the standard booking price. You can set the discount to be ongoing or you can set a schedule and availability for it. You can link discounts not only to calendars but to products and services as well. Also, you can create custom values for your discounts and each value can have its own schedule and availability.

The software is in BETA and some feature aren't available at the moment or may be subject to change.

Main Settings

Once you have created a discounts extension, you can customise it in the configuration section. Main settings incorporate three tabs: ‘applied to’ that can be used to link the discount to calendars, products or services, ‘actions’ which can be used to delete or duplicate it and ‘main data’ which contains the following:

1NameEdit this field to change the name of the discount. Only you can see this name.2EtikettEdit this field to create a label for your discount. This is the name your clients will see.3WerttypSelect whether the deducted sum is a fixed number or percent of the reservation. The default type is percent value.4For fixed value you have the following settings:4AWertType in the fixed value that will be subtracted. Only number characters and ‘.’ are allowed. The default value is 0.4BPromo-WertAdd a promotional value if needed.4CBewerbungThis will determine how many times the discount will apply. It can be applied only once or by period (per day, hour etc). By default, it is set to apply once.4DPeriodengröße (Tage/Minuten)This input will be displayed only if you select to apply the value by period. Type in the number to set the frequency by days or minutes. The default value is 1.5For percent value you have the following settings:5AProzentualer WertType in the percent value that will be subtracted. Only numbers and ‘.’ are allowed. The default value is 0.5BPromo-ProzentAdd a promotional percent value if needed.6Anzeige von Rabattinformationen in den Details der Reservierung/Erweiterung.If enabled, the discount information will be displayed in the reservation details. By default, the toggle is enabled.
Discounts configurations

Advance Settings

Discounts are a great way of promoting your business and attracting new clients as well. The component is very straightforward and easy to use, all you need to do in order to get started is to create a discount and configure the main settings. In the advanced settings, you can set custom values, availability, schedule and conditions to cover all your needs, all year round. To learn more about the advanced settings of the plugin check out the links below.

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