Pinpoint Buchungssystem WordPress Plugin (PRO-Version) Ansichten

Durchschnittliche Bewertung

4.6 von 5 sternen (283 ansichten)

  • 5 sternen (233)
  • 4 sternen (18)
  • 3 sternen (8)
  • 2 sternen (6)
  • 1 ster (18)

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  • Great Support

    Great Support. Fast and caring :-)

    wpwoo 9 jahre vor
  • Great customer support

    Great plugin, the most versatile booking system I've come across. Also their support staff are quick and well knowledgable.

    opciondigital 9 jahre vor
  • Excellent plugin.!

    It has many features available, and I am sure it will be able to cover many more demands in the near future.
    I would suggest a little better documentation (as even some shortcodes are a little difficult to find and use).
    Overall, it IS one of the best plugins around... for sure!

    marogiannisgiannis 9 jahre vor
  • Awesome booking system

    I use it for renting my villa on Ibiza to my customers, works like a charm

    peicheck 9 jahre vor
  • Great booking system

    This is a great booking system. The developers are quick to respond and do their best to help. Highly recommend.

    PlayersTravel 9 jahre vor
  • Powerful

    It's a very powerful, flexible plugin. After getting used to it it's rather easy to use and explain to clients.

    Best thing: The support. Quick, efficient and hands on

    iamserge 10 jahre vor
  • just registered user can add reservation

    Hi I would like to ask you if I will buy PRO version if it is there oportunity to set calendar just for view for visitor of my website (without making reservations) and just registered users can make reservations. But registered users can managed – edit or delet just their own reservations – no another else reservations

    And very important second question: can be new reservations automatically be confirmed? So without first step pending and than confirmed by administrator. I would like to do automatically system just for registered users.

    Thanks a lot for your quick answer.

    tomasschiller 10 jahre vor
  • thanks! is awesome! Thank you guys to slove my problems!

    mrs_helga 10 jahre vor
  • Great Product – Easy to use

    Great Product guys.

    Easy to use.
    Easy to understand the tech notes.
    Works excellent with responsive theme.

    Enjoying much…


    anthonyshcr 10 jahre vor
  • Wow!

    That's what I can say about Booking System PRO. Absolutely worth the investment and finally a serious plugin that works great, looks beautiful, is REALLY easy to set up and is a breeze.

    I've been looking for similar solutions and while I tried a couple of plugins out there, none came even near Booking System PRO.

    There is another plugin that from what I could read is regarded as a great reality the English instructions were so poor and bad and the back end looked so amazingly hard to understand despite their claim it was super easy, that when I turned to Booking System PRO I felt completely relieved: I found the right tool for what we need.
    So Yes, definitely worth the purchase and the way to go for me!

    Customer Support is excellent too! They responded immediately and fixed a couple of issues I was having.

    abortolotti 10 jahre vor
  • Customer support

    Excellent & immediate customer support!

    supcomcy 10 jahre vor
  • awesome


    webteroyal 10 jahre vor
  • Amazing plugin

    That's an amazing plugin that is very easy to use & customize. Also the tech support is fast & effective.

    gunesakdogan 10 jahre vor
  • Very good plugin

    Very good plugin and reactive customer support ;)

    studiowa 10 jahre vor
  • Great Thanks To Developers

    Dear Supporters

    First I like to say that my English is very poor but I will try to explain the problem I am facing with this plugin.

    I am really very pleased with the features of this plugin and my website is getting great business with the help of this plugin without any error.

    I love free version

    Hotel Somnath Atithigruh 10 jahre vor
  • The news release is awesome!!

    Just enjoying the new Booking System with +WooCommerce.

    badimarcus 10 jahre vor
  • Great Plugin!

    This plugin is very customizable and will do anything I need for it to do in on my vacation rental property website. I will purchase the pro version as soon as I feel comfortable with all of options I am working with now. Would like to see other payment options, particularly It would be wonderful to be able to collect payments directly using the platform I have been using for quite some time.

    makinmemrees 10 jahre vor
  • Code quality

    Have used a lot of plugins, this is excellent

    brianrees 10 jahre vor
  • Is brutal!!

    Is brutal!!

    juantorregrosa 10 jahre vor
  • Customer support

    Very responsive team. Good plugin.

    metaclorien 10 jahre vor

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