Pinpoint Buchungssystem WordPress Plugin (PRO-Version) Ansichten

Durchschnittliche Bewertung

4.6 von 5 sternen (283 ansichten)

  • 5 sternen (233)
  • 4 sternen (18)
  • 3 sternen (8)
  • 2 sternen (6)
  • 1 ster (18)

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  • Caracteristica disponible

    esta totalmente completo este plugin siento que no le hace falta nada

    isrgomez 9 jahre vor
  • Easy to switch

    In switching from a SASS WebReserv system, this was the ONLY booking calendar that allowed me to match variable hour bookings.

    Support was also helpful and immediate- as they helped alleviate a concern regarding high volume, and provided a fix IF i get into trouble.

    mttorley 9 jahre vor
  • Best customer support

    Absolutely 1st class customer support. Went above & beyond the call when I had an issue on my site and it wasn't even their plugin causing the problem. Investigated theme code and produced a solution to make theme work with plugin. Pity can only give 5 stars !!

    idcreativestudio 9 jahre vor
  • Great plugin!

    Great work!

    tms-plugins 9 jahre vor
  • Great support

    We had a lot of questions and needed some modifivations and they're really helpfull and show great effort. Thanks a lot, we highly recommend this plug-in and the team behind it

    ENMAZE 9 jahre vor
  • Design quality

    Good item but due to it being installed on diffrent themes does have some small CSS issues but the support was great and all issues were resolved.

    Studios67 9 jahre vor
  • fast and efficient

    great plugin even better support!!

    Caisley 9 jahre vor
  • Great plugin

    Great plugin, well planned and thought through. Many features and quality code. Highly recommend.

    dimsal 9 jahre vor
  • I recommend this plugin

    As they say, 5 stars all the way! Thanks for the awesome plugin!

    dzeriho 9 jahre vor
  • Great module

    A rarely support as I could see. Thank you for this module.

    dn-graphisme 9 jahre vor
  • Great support

    Great support

    cdecarne 9 jahre vor
  • So much potential

    Using Pinpoint Booking System with WooCommerce and it really is lovely. Got a wish list for more features to make it a perfect fit, however, it has some great functionality as is.

    Would be superb to have MacOS Calendar integration, so am hoping this is in the pipeline.

    dnxdnx 9 jahre vor
  • Fast Support team

    Very satisfied with response.

    stavroch 9 jahre vor
  • Very Useful Plugin

    Very good plugin. Been looking for one like this for a while. Great, effective and efficient support too. Would like to be able to set specific date ranges for rules but I understand that feature is in the developers to do list.

    MinisitePro 9 jahre vor
  • Usefull plugin

    Thank you for this plugin and great support. You saved my time.

    buddikab 9 jahre vor
  • Good support

    Customization options are very effective. Overall quite happy with how it works.

    If you have a problem, it gets fixed. Support is very good. Premium is probably necessary for most users.

    Google sync, slightly clearer English, and non-contiguous slot clicking (ctrl-clicking) would put it in a class of its own. Hopefully those are coming soon.

    danmylotte 9 jahre vor
  • pro Version works nicely

    really love the tool. The first one that could handle all my feature requests (monthly booking, deposit via paypal, Extras, Discounts, etc.).

    Support was friendly and efficient.

    5 STARS!

    mko-go 9 jahre vor
  • Awesome plugin and good support

    Hello all,
    thank you very much for this awesome plugin. Works well and my questions are fully answered.
    Thank you

    tompok76 9 jahre vor
  • Pro version

    I am very satisfied. I am using the enhanced Pro version.
    Support is quick and effective.
    Thanks a lot.

    Elena_Art 9 jahre vor
  • Best plugin for reservtions

    I usually don’t write rewiews, but I logged on wordpress just to recommend this great plugin. It was pure pleasure to work with this kind of plugin, everything works perfectly, set up is finished in less then 5 minutes, it has everything, documentation is clear and easy to use. Thank you so much.

    zagi123 9 jahre vor

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