Form Fields

Administration area / Active extensions / Form Fields

The form fields extension can be used to create forms that clients will fill in when making booking requests. These forms typically contain fields for name, address, email, phone number, country, city but you can customize them in order to contain whatever information you need from your clients. To achieve this, you need to create a form field, determine what interaction you want your users to have with it (input, dropdown, checklist etc), customize it and last but not least link it to a calendar.

Form fields types

Once you have created a form fields extension, you have to select its type from the provided list and after that, you can customize it in the configuration section. Main settings incorporate three tabs: ‘applied to’ that can be used to link the form fields component to one or more calendars, ‘actions’ which can be used to delete or duplicate it and ‘main data’.

Main Settings

Text form field type

If you select this form field type, a regular text input will be added to the form. These are typically used for name, surname, company, city etc.

1ANaamEdit to change the name of the form field. Only you can see this name.1BLabelEdit to create a label for the form field. This is the name your clients will see.1CSchakelBy default, this toggle is disabled, which means that the form field is optional. However, if it is enabled, filling in this field will be mandatory.1D!Set the maximum number of characters that can be used in this input.1EToegestane tekensType the characters that are allowed for this input. For example, if it is a name input, only the letter (a-z) should be allowed.
Text form field type configurations

Textarea form field type

If you select this form field type, a large text input will be added to the form, like the ones used typically for comments.

2ANaamEdit this field to change the name of the form field. Only you can see this name.2BLabelEdit this field to create a label for your form field. This is the name your clients will see.2CSchakelBy default, this toggle is disabled, which means that the form field is optional. However, if it is enabled, filling in this field will be mandatory.2D!Set the maximum number of characters that can be used in this input. 2EToegestane tekensType the characters that are allowed for this input.
Textarea form field type configurations

Checkbox form field type

If you select this form field type, a checkbox will be added to the form.

3ANaamEdit this field to change the name of the form field. Only you can see this name.3BLabelEdit this field to create a label for your form field. This is the name your clients will see.3CSchakelBy default, this toggle is disabled, which means that the form field is optional. However, if it is enabled, filling in this field will be mandatory.3DURLHere you can add a link to a document like Terms and Conditions, Refund Policy, Privacy Policy etc.
Checkbox form field type configurations

Dropdown form field type

If you select this form field type, a dropdown menu will be added to the form.

4ANaamEdit to change the name of the dropdown menu. Only you can see this name.4BLabelEdit to create a label for the dropdown menu. This is the name your clients will see.4CVeld is verplicht.By default, this toggle is disabled, which means that the form field is optional. However, if it is enabled, filling in this field is mandatory.4D!By default, this toggle is disabled, which means that the user can select only one option from the dropdown menu. However, if it is enabled, the user can select multiple options.4EUitvouwen/Invouwenexpand the dropdown options if you want to view or edit the content or collapse if you want to hide it.4FEen optie toevoegenBy clicking this button you add an option to the dropdown. You can add as many options as you want and edit them individually.4GSorteerDrag this button to rearrange the dropdown options.4HVerwijderDelete the dropdown option.4IUitvouwen/InvouwenCollapse or expand the option configuration.4JAndere optiesYou can set custom availability, schedule and conditions for the dropdown option.4KNaamEdit to change the name of the dropdown option. Only you can see this name.4LLabelEdit to create a label for the dropdown option. This is the name your clients will see.
Dropdown form field type configurations

Email form field type

If you select this form field type, an email input will be added to the form.

5ANaamEdit to change the name of the form field. Only you can see this name.5BLabelEdit to create a label for the form field. This is the name your clients will see.5CSchakelBy default, this toggle is disabled, which means that the form field is optional. However, if it is enabled, filling in this field will be mandatory.5D!Set the maximum number of characters that can be used in this input.5EToegestane tekensType the characters that are allowed for this input.
Email form field type configurations

Phone form field type

If you select this form field type, an email input will be added to the form.

6ANaamEdit to change the name of the form field. Only you can see this name.6BLabelEdit to create a label for the form field. This is the name your clients will see.6CSchakelBy default, this toggle is disabled, which means that the form field is optional. However, if it is enabled, filling in this field will be mandatory.6D!Set the maximum number of characters that can be used in this input. You should bear in mind that a phone number can have maximum 15 digits.6EToegestane tekensType the characters that are allowed for this input.6FStandaard landType the default country code for the phone number.
Phone form field type configurations

Captcha form field input

If you select this form field type, a captcha input will be added to the form.

In the advanced settings you can set custom availability, schedule and conditions. For more information on how to use the advanced settings, check the following sections of Pinpoint.Docs: Availability and Schedule and Conditions.

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