Pinpoint Booking System + WooCommerce

Extend Pinpoint Booking System with WooCommerce features.

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Looking to accept bookings with your WooCommerce shop?

If you're running a WooCommerce shop and find yourself in need of incorporating appointments or reservations, Pinpoint Booking System stands out as the ideal solution.

Attach a calendar to a product to enable your clients to view your availability or schedule

Generate a calendar tailored to your preferences and customize the designated time frame according to your needs. Whether it's days, nights, or specific hourly intervals, you have the flexibility to configure availability. Finally, effortlessly link it to a product within your WooCommerce store.

Your clients will have a smooth checkout experience

A potential client can check the available time period on the calendar, initiate a booking request, and add it to the cart along with other products. Subsequently, they can finalize the order using the existing cart features and payment methods.

Receive order notifications and manage bookings with ease

You will receive a notification of the order through the WooCommerce system and you will be allowed to manage the reservations in the administration area.

Give it a try and accept booking requests immediately

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Onze winkel Als u geïnteresseerd bent in onze producten bezoek dan onze winkel om de aanbiedingen te bekijken.

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Een account aanmaken
Error Oeps! Het e-mailadres is ongeldig.

Probeer opnieuw te registreren
Een account aanmaken
Success Gefeliciteerd! Uw account is gemaakt. Een bericht met uw wachtwoord is naar uw e-mailadres gestuurd. Controleer uw Postvak in of Spam-map.

Wachtwoord opnieuw instellen Voer het e-mailadres van uw account in.
Instructies over hoe u uw wachtwoord opnieuw kunt instellen, worden u toegestuurd.

Hebt u al een account? Inloggen Ben je nieuw hier? Registreer nuc
Wachtwoord opnieuw instellen
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Een account aanmaken
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Wachtwoord opnieuw instellen
Success Er is een e-mail verzonden met instructies voor het opnieuw instellen.
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