Sistema di Prenotazione Pinpoint Plugin WordPress (versione PRO) Recensioni

Valutazione media

4.6 su 5 stelle (283 recensioni)

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  • 4 stelle (18)
  • 3 stelle (8)
  • 2 stelle (6)
  • 1 stella (18)

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  • Very Bad support - new version is far from ready, old version buggy

    Bought pro version and an extension but waste of money, no respons from support, no payback. Pity because it's functionality is promising.

    hannisse 1 mese fa
  • If NO support, it’s a useless plugin

    If as soon as something does not work for us and despite giving them everything they ask for, data, photos, administrator access… They disappear and do not provide a solution… We have to pull our hair out, get frustrated and unfortunately have to look for another tool, which may be worse, but it will work thanks to its SUPPORT… and change. A plugin that DOES NOT work DOES NOT USE ANYTHING. Thank you USELESS PINPOINT support. We are glad that they treat us with this CONTEMPOR because it means that they do not need us. THANK YOU!

    Si en cuanto no nos funciona algo y a pesar de darles todo lo que piden, datos, fotos, acceso de administrador... Desaparecen y no dan solución... Nos tenemos que tirar de los pelos, frustrarnos y lamentablemente tener que buscar otra herramienta, que quizás sea peor, pero funcionará gracias a su SOPORTE... y cambiar. Un plugin que NO funciona NO SIRVE DE NADA. Gracias Soporte INUTIL de PINPOINT. Nos alegramos de que nos traten con este DESPRECIO pues significa que no nos necesitan. ¡GRACIAS!

    jbeigbeder 2 anni fa
  • Support don't answering

    Honestly, this plugin is absolutely without support. We sent three emails with request about reservation system, but no answer. We have paid version, but without support from creators.

    stanislav.duris 3 anni fa
  • Ne fonctionne pas comme prévu !

    Je suis très très très déçue de Pintpoint PRO !! Et pour bien des raisons ! La publicité qu'il en est fait ne correspond pas tout à fait à la réalité ! Il est omis de dire par exemple que les passerelles de paiement autre que paypal sont payantes et surtout que même après avoir payé, cela ne fonctionne pas ! Je parle précisément de Stripe ! cela fait 2 mois que je me bats pour obtenir une réponse de pintpoint qui reste absolument muet sur le problème !!!!!!!! Les ADDon sont inexistants, les thèmes pareils ! On ne peut pas fixer de tarifs sur un nombre minimal de jours (comme le promets pourtant leur publicité) et malgré une version payante de Pintpoint (pro) il est toujours affiché sur le calendrier de résa "Powered by On s'en passerait bien ! Bref, si malgré tout le staf à su répondre à quelques unes de mes interrogations, je reste vraiment déçue et très en colère quand à la passerelle de paiement stripe (que j'ai acheté en plus d'avoir acheté Pintpoint Pro et qui ne fonctionne absolument pas !!!!!! Stripe à répondu à mes attentes en vérifiant tous les paramêtres possibles et rien ne cloche chez eux! Idem pour Wordpress ! Donc... ?? Je ne recommande donc pas du tout ce plugin !!!

    site.massaber66 3 anni fa
  • I cannot use this

    I am waiting for an appropriate support since more than 3 weeks and several tickets issued. The problem is jumping to the top on android phones using Google Chrome. I get no help. Please review my ticket 6460. Like this I cannot use this as clients will not book!

    heike.sahacker 3 anni fa
  • Pro Version Not Working Poor Support

    Purchased Pro Version Does Not Work
    It's been 3 days with 2 Support Tickets Submitted
    Still no response from PINPOINT

    anthonyclark 3 anni fa
  • Terrible Product - Appalling Customer Support - Avoid like the plague

    At $95 dollars a year, this has to be one of the worst plugins available for Wordpress. There are so many issues with the booking system they are impossible to list all here but include lack of device responsiveness, unable to test system before going live, no booking confirmations when entering bookings in the back end, no simple way to style the front end and license renewal does not retain existing data. But most of all the support is truly awful: they quote up to 48 hours but often takes twice that and is usually apathetic and unhelpful. There is a reason why this plugin is not available via either or Envato and that is because both those platforms would probably throw it off. Ask yourself one question before purchasing this plugin: why does their website not have a working demo of the booking system? I've asked why and, funnily enough, they haven't got back to me yet. If you want a booking system that works with excellent support, use Maestrel's HBook plugin.

    paul13 4 anni fa
  • 2018: no mobile?

    Issues and promised updates for mobile in back end has been going on for ages with you saying, next update, next update. Impossible to use the admin calendar on our phones or tablet. For now, we always have to be at the office, which is not realistic. All my clients have abandoned this plugin.

    gbgbgb 4 anni fa
  • Fatal atención y servicio de ayuda técnica

    Ya hace un tiempo utilizo este plugin para reservas de mi hotel en su versión gratuita, Hace algo más de un año compre la versión pro con su complemento para pasarela redsys . No he conseguido que me funcione, el plugin da un error a la hora de procesar el pago y el soporte técnico no me ha dado una solución. Ahora tengo un problema en el apartado de orden y he contactado varias veces para si pueden resolver y ni tan solo me contestan. Lamentable 4 anni fa
  • iphone functionality

    no se visaliza y su soporte tecnico es muy malo. no te responden y llevo dos meses tratando de que me den una solucion y no me responden.
    It is not visible and its technical support is very bad. They don't answer you and I've been trying to get a solution for two months and they don't answer me.

    marvic1905 4 anni fa
  • Very bad support and bugs

    Overall the plugin is not ok. Design is kinda chunky and not customizable...
    It's pretty basic for the pro version and a lot of features that I think should be essential in any booking system for rental owners of several units are missing.

    Edit bookings to another date isn't possible, which is a huge problem!
    Re-send notifications also not possible
    Showing of past reservation not possible

    Customer support says 48hrs to reply, I have several times messaged them and didn't receive an answer at all. Sometimes they answer but it takes them around 3-4 business days rather than 48hrs.
    This could definitely be improved for PRO version buyers.
    Not sure if we gonna use the plugin for the future again as there's no try from the support team to develop it better with these necessary features.
    Stay away from this plugin, it's a huge problem.

    pgl 4 anni fa
  • Doesn’t Work

    Fatal error on WordPress 9.6

    leclerc web 7 anni fa
  • very complicated.

    can not activate pro license
    I can not add calendars
    I’m doubting that it really works
    it’s a theft

    vvalladolid 7 anni fa
  • Bugs

    A lot of bugs with my theme ENFOLD.
    Calendar widget doesn't work….
    Error in translations...
    And so on...

    urdaniz 9 anni fa
  • Wait What?

    I don’t know if this plugin is broken on my rig or if it’s just this poorly designed, but there’s absolutely no reasoning behind what I’m witnessing.

    The status page has half the check marks and they don’t make any sense. The color scheme has a deadening grey with a very sharp orange, as if that didn’t scream broken do-not-use to everyone? The calendar/reservation system seems overly complex with no flow or reasoning as to how to get a basic setup going.

    Is this effectively broken and just for show without a purchase or something? I couldn’t even begin to test it out. Spent an hour going over it and decided this was a project gone awry. Maybe it had something going for it in an earlier version, but it doesn’t make any sense right now.

    webeindustry 9 anni fa
  • Hard to translate

    Lamentable - unble to translate fully, separate posts in WPML or Polylang for each property requires four calendars instead of being able to use one calendar that can be translated through Codestyling Localization or strings translation in PL or WPML.

    I wasted almost a week of my life on this useless theme.!

    fontanasteve 9 anni fa
  • No feature

    It's useless for our small auberge since there's no "edit reservation" feature.

    MEDIAMACHINE 9 anni fa
  • Code Quality

    After update, all my translations are deleted :(
    very bad plugin ....

    PJone 10 anni fa

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