
Administration area / Common Settings / Images

In Pinpoint Booking System 3.0 you can add images that describe your business, products, services etc. By using relevant, quality images you will attract more customers.

You can find the image subcomponent in the configuration section, in main settings > images. You can’t add images to all your components, as for most it is not necessary (for example, you don’t need to add images to discounts, down payments, deposits etc). You can select the files from your computer or device and upload them or you can drag them directly on the page. The accepted formats are jpg, jpeg and png. You can upload maximum 10 images at once of a maximum size of 8MP per image. As in the case of availability periods, prices and other subcomponents, you can add as many images as you want and their order will determine their priority. The first image from your list will also be the thumbnail from the list section. When collapsed, tabs display the name, unique id and thumbnail of the image. Manage your lists with the three buttons from the right:

The software is in BETA and some feature aren't available at the moment or may be subject to change.Images configurations
1OrdinareDrag this button to rearrange the image subcomponents.2EliminareDelete the image.3Espandi/CrollaExpand the subcomponent if you want to view or edit its content or collapse if you want to hide it.

You can only edit the image subcomponent while the tab is expanded, as follows:

4NomeChange the name of the image.5TitoloProvide a title/ label for the image.6DescrizioneAdd a description for the image.

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Successo Congratulazioni! Il tuo account è stato creato. Un messaggio con la tua password è stato inviato al tuo indirizzo e-mail. Verifica la tua casella di posta in arrivo o la cartella Spam.

Reimposta la password Inserisci l'email del tuo account.
Le istruzioni su come reimpostare la sua password le saranno inviate.

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Reimposta la password
Successo È stata inviata un'e-mail con le istruzioni per il reset.
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