Summary section

Administration Area / Summary

The third section of each component is the summary. It can be either displayed or hidden as you click on the tab containing its name.

The summary is like a map of all the subcomponents that are available for each component. Its purpose is to give an overview of the settings that have been made to a component and help you find and edit them faster. In the summary section you can view all the possible settings for the component you are editing and also you can get all the information there is about its current configuration.

The software is in BETA and some feature aren't available at the moment or may be subject to change.Summary section in administration area

You cannot configure your component from this section, as the buttons are mostly for visualization:

1Aprire tutti/Chiudere tuttiYou can use these buttons to expand or collapse all the subcomponents in the summary section. This can be especially useful if you want to quickly view what subcomponents have been set like availability, price, schedule etc and then close them all at once instead of closing each of them manually.2EspandiThis button looks exactly like the ‘open all’ button, but it does not expand all subcomponents, only the one you click on.3CrolloThis button looks exactly like the ‘close all’ button, but unlike the other, it does not collapse all subcomponents but only the one you click on.4ReindirizzamentoAlthough you cannot edit directly from the summary section, you can use the redirect button from each subcomponent to take you where you can change the settings. So, for example, if you want to change the price data for the price you can click on redirect instead of clicking Advanced settings > Custom prices > Price).

All multiple selection options will be displayed in the summary. If one option excludes another one, the unavailable ones will be faded out (for example if you are using a fixed price, the percentage will be faded). The expanded subcomponents will appear in a darker colour and in bold for better visibility.

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