Sistema di Prenotazione Pinpoint Plugin WordPress (versione PRO) Recensioni

Valutazione media

4.6 su 5 stelle (283 recensioni)

  • 5 stelle (233)
  • 4 stelle (18)
  • 3 stelle (8)
  • 2 stelle (6)
  • 1 stella (18)

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  • Is this only for hotel and service bookings?

    I am looking to use this booking for item rentals, like car or scooter. From playing around with it so far, I can figure out if I can do that.

    ulenie 9 anni fa
  • Code Quality

    Très bon

    neodcb 9 anni fa
  • Helpful Support

    The support has been really good so far, the only problem of this plugin is that it does not give the option to select different rooms on the same calendar

    Felixwebsimple 9 anni fa
  • Beautiful

    A beautifully designed and intelligently featured Calendar and booking system. Offers flexibility in booking by days or hours for multiple entities (people or facilities). Very happy I purchased this plug-in after reviewing many others.

    MedArb 9 anni fa
  • About support

    They are very patient and understanding. I am very satisfied with their support

    stoltenheim 9 anni fa
  • Very pleased

    excellent plugin

    MacWheelie 9 anni fa
  • Wonderful plugin and support!

    Wonderful plugin and support!

    andersha 9 anni fa
  • Excellent support

    Although the plugin didn't do some of things we thought it would, the support has been excellent and it now meets most of our needs.

    GhostLtd 9 anni fa
  • Great and fast support!

    Great and fast support!

    lioncode 9 anni fa
  • nice working booking calendar

    I am very satisfied, but switched to the pro-Version because of the need of more than one calendar.

    konus77 9 anni fa

    One of the best and most powerful plugins I have ever used, this is far beyond the means of all other booking tools & plugins, and usability is state of the art. Customer support is even great, these guys are doing a pretty good job!

    kreativer 9 anni fa
  • I'm happy

    I'm very happy with support, fast reply, they helped me! Nice product, very customizable. I recommend!

    ar-skuteczni 9 anni fa
  • Customizability

    Great plugin and great support...thank you!

    alexis_gyf 9 anni fa
  • Awesome service

    Great support, excellent service!

    bizzimedia 9 anni fa
  • Perfect

    good/flexible plugin, good support, worth the money ;)

    flerd22 9 anni fa
  • Fantastic Support

    Great plugin, fantastic support!

    mrjukic 9 anni fa
  • Perfect system

    Perfect system, customizable, clean, working on all browsers.

    masterkiwi 9 anni fa
  • Good support

    Problem solved in a few hours! Thanks for good support!

    Rogga2 9 anni fa
  • The best plugin there is

    This one is the best booking plugin there is. Lots & lots of options and features and the guys from support are fast. Great job.

    andreiolaru 9 anni fa
  • Customer support

    A very solid and flexible plugin with excellent support.

    timondeks 9 anni fa

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