Sistema di Prenotazione Pinpoint Plugin WordPress (versione PRO) Recensioni

Valutazione media

4.6 su 5 stelle (283 recensioni)

  • 5 stelle (233)
  • 4 stelle (18)
  • 3 stelle (8)
  • 2 stelle (6)
  • 1 stella (18)

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  • Thank you

    Very flexible tool, thanks for everything!

    vicky03 9 anni fa
  • A satisfied customer

    There is always room for improvement. But i can tell alot of work has gone into this plugin and it's 100% worth the money.

    untriel 9 anni fa
  • Nice plugin, but ...

    Nice plugin, but still needs to be more flexible. it works for a lot of things (and that's awesome) but there are a few little details missing that would greatly enhance the plugin itself

    EProxPGT 9 anni fa
  • A+ Support

    great support, great plugin. A+

    kerbliner 9 anni fa
  • Everything I needed

    Everything I needed

    Oobi23 9 anni fa
  • Design

    Well designed and very smart.

    WernerEvers 9 anni fa
  • Fast & very helpful

    Fast & very helpful

    derknet 9 anni fa
  • Very very very adaptable

    Its very very very adaptable to anyone project! the perfect plugin!

    EstudioE 9 anni fa
  • Complete Booking System

    Great plugin, sometimes feel that it doesn't like to work with things outside itself. But it has done nearly everything I have wanted from it so far and the customer support has been great, even when I was stressed and rude.

    p.s. I did a lot of research and experimentation before buying this and despite a few limitations it really is the best booking plugin out there.

    harryrook 9 anni fa
  • Great plugin with a bright future

    Looking forward to future releases for an even better plugin! GREAT SUPPORT and GREAT helping forum community. THUMBS UP!

    rborsato 9 anni fa
  • The only booking plugin with all our needed features (except one)

    This plugin is awesome. Everything you want in a booking system.

    The support team are very quick to respond and are very helpful.

    :)I have been using this plugin, on a client’s site, since it was Booking System Pro. It has always been the only booking plugin, which provided all of the features we needed.

    The only missing feature, which would be really nice to have, is syncing with Google Calendars.

    Overall, an excellent booking calendar plugin. Support is very good, as well.

    mwtada 9 anni fa
  • This plugin is awesome

    Everything you want in a booking system.

    The support team are very quick to respond and are very helpful.


    RobbieRock 9 anni fa
  • Customer support

    Extremely good support

    yrlnayr 9 anni fa
  • Well built and versatile

    The is an extremely well built plugin, very versatile and the support is far above what you would normally expect.
    It does require good hosting but if your taking online bookings you should really have that.

    davidfhenry 9 anni fa
  • I'm satisfied

    Great Plugin & fast support

    zenako 9 anni fa
  • Design is good

    Support was awesome as well :)

    Fadhilahwahid 9 anni fa
  • Fantastic


    danet13 9 anni fa
  • First class services

    I had hopes that this plugin would work for a fishing lake booking system. I had such problems trying to get paypal to accept the transaction and confirm the booking. I contacted the support team within 12 hours they had fixed my problem and I had the plugin working exactly how I needed it to. First class service. Very happy indeed.

    jessicabuller 9 anni fa
  • It does what it states

    This just works people, it does what it states. Flexible and feature rich. Well done on a great product!

    leonardimages 9 anni fa
  • Very effective and unique booking calendar plugin

    The best booking calendar with a lot of different possibilities.
    I am using the enhanced Pro version and i am very satisfied.
    Support is quick and effective.
    Thanks a lot.

    LoicTheAztec 9 anni fa

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