Calendar preview section

Administration Area/Calendar Preview

The fourth and final section is the calendar preview. Its purpose is to offer visual feedback about how the settings you create or edit will take effect in the calendar.

You will not be able to click and select days/ hours from this calendar, as this section is view only. If the component you are editing is not applied to a calendar, no calendar will be displayed and a message telling you this will appear instead. The preview section can be displayed or hidden as you click on the tab containing its name.

Calendar preview options

On the top left side of the calendar there are two highlighted buttons, as follows:

1Développer/RéduireBy expanding this section you can open the calendar preview in fullscreen mode. If you want to exit the calendar window, just press the ‘close’ button on top of the page and you will return to the component page with all the sections.2!By clicking this button you can select the calendar you want to view and edit its preview options from the submenu.

Submenu options:

3Sélectionner le calendrierThe first item in the submenu is a dropdown list. The name of the calendar you are currently viewing will be displayed here. If you expand the list you can view and select any of the calendars applied to this component.4Largeur maximale du calendrierThe second item is an input with a preset value for the maximum calendar width. The value is set in pixels and you can change it by overwriting the number.5Machine à remonter le tempsThe third item is the time machine. If you enable it, a new input will be displayed. Select the date and time for the ‘time jump’. The calendar and all the settings that apply to it will be displayed as if the current date is the date you selected for the time jump. 6Voir les disponibilités en fonction des réservations en cours.The fourth and final item lets you view availability based on current reservations. This feature helps you switch preview between the standard calendar settings and the version with the current reservations.

Sélectionnez votre langue

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Veuillez choisir votre langue, en la tapant, dans la liste ci-dessous.

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