Pinpoint Booking System Plugin de WordPress (version PRO) Commentaires

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4.6 hors de 5 étoiles (282 commentaires)

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  • The support is wonderful

    Response is quick!
    They understood my unusual English
    It helps us solve problems.
    I am very thankful
    It’s a great support team

    vibuvibuko 6 années auparavant
  • Love it

    I think it is a great plugin. With many options and possibilities to tweak.
    Good support, mostly at the same day or the next.
    A few tiny features are missing, but I think they will work on it.

    OnaJ 6 années auparavant
  • Excellent

    It works perfect for my rental needs for now…simple and working!

    ruote 6 années auparavant
  • Add more feature

    Great Plugin, but i think should:

    1.How to add Staff Profile( Image, Email, Phone, Days off)
    2.Select staff on Front End, etc…

    mrtruong 6 années auparavant
  • Covers everything

    I’ve tried multiple booking plugins but this one covers everything I need, even if it is limited to only one calendar.
    Good job!

    aecre 6 années auparavant
  • i am very happy with this plugin

    i am very happy with this plugin , it's 100% all feature as they mention in the demo , thank you so much for this amazing plugin A++ recommended to all

    cyberimpulse 6 années auparavant
  • Elegant booking system

    I have downloaded and tried dozens of booking calendar plugins. It seems to me that Pinpoint Booking System and the established WP Booking Calendar are the leaders. This one is cheaper and has all of the versatility of its competitor except for one crucial thing: the ability to book recurring or multiple appointments in one go.

    I would love to keep using this plugin but it is really only for one-off bookings. It is too cumbersome for what I need. If recurring bookings are not introduced soon, I will have to choose the more expensive plugin.

    fruitybeetle 7 années auparavant
  • Good booking plugin with payment gateways & AirBnB integration

    The plugin works well, yet sometimes you may face some issues with it. They can be managed by the support pretty quickly, though.

    The only con I may tell that is not all the settings and functions being described in support documentation of the plugin. Hope developers will do this later.

    andrek0 7 années auparavant
  • amazing support!!

    The support is amazing, responsive and courteous!!!

    machiaitokuyama 7 années auparavant
  • Great plugin and support

    Plugin help us a lot. It´s easy to use and support is really helpfull.

    dav0036 7 années auparavant
  • Good Support

    I’ve asked many presale questions and the information was provided in a clear and very understandable manner.

    Very good support team!

    Good Support 7 années auparavant
  • good service

    It is a great product and the assistance is competent and easy, I suggest it

    robilisi 7 années auparavant
  • Great plugin! Perseverence paid off

    I admit that I wrestled with the settings at first (and swore a few times!) and because this is such a powerful little plugin, it took a couple of days to understand the logic.

    I ended up with a system which is both flexible and very powerful. I added the ability to populate the user fields with those of logged in users so I am super stoked to be using this exactly as I want.

    Thanks to the developers for making it available!

    momofone 7 années auparavant
  • is the best plugin

    have everything, good design, very easy to use i think is the best of all plugins

    EVOGRAPH 7 années auparavant
  • Awesome Plugin

    Great plugin, is it worth the money? definitely YES covers almost everything that someone would need from a reservation plugin, besides a lot of great features still in the making.

    Did run into a couple of issues and while they are not currently available knowing that they will be in the versions to come make the plugin even more valuable

    Would not hesitate in recommend the plugin for features and also great support

    mariolspeter 7 années auparavant
  • Great Plugin

    German Calendar Version has a bug June July is not displayed correctly – it was only a ! , please fix it

    momedia 7 années auparavant
  • Great plugin and support

    Support team was eager to help and resolve issues I was facing. Overall great plugin, recommended!

    jospo 7 années auparavant
  • Outstanding Product

    I have not been using this product for too long, however my initial feelings are that this product is just simply head and shoulders above any others i have come across, they seem to cover all the bases and from my point of view I am really chuffed. Good luck and keep developing this product.

    barlee 7 années auparavant
  • Lots of options & good looking calendar.

    This takes some getting used to. I have spent some hours learning about it.
    For me, there are enough options and I can charge per hour and with discounts etc.

    Support do get back to you….if you are polite. Honestly, I would pay more for it for more development but from what I can see, support really are busy people.

    I do like how they will request log in details, go in, fix it and then tell you they have fixed it.

    It is a fast working calendar and loads quick on my site. I’ve had some problems with bugs randomly, but again….be polite to the support and they will help you.



    mattiebrownoz 7 années auparavant
  • Very useful plugin and great support.

    I use the block in to manage reservations for three different resources in a Homeowners association. The plugin has been working for us. When I have had technical issues they were addressed overnight.

    johnparchem 7 années auparavant

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