Pinpoint Sistema de Reservas WordPress Plugin (versão PRO) Avaliações

Classificação média

4.6 em cada 5 estrelas (283 avaliações)

  • 5 estrelas (233)
  • 4 estrelas (18)
  • 3 estrelas (8)
  • 2 estrelas (6)
  • 1 estrela (18)

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  • Outstanding

    Great booking system. Very popular with my customers. The tech support is excellent as well.

    eastdelphlakes 2 anos desde
  • The Rolls Royce of Booking plugins

    Six Years ago I purchased a lifetime license and since then continuous updates are always happening to keep the plugin functioning perfectly. Great team and great job!

    jmfworldwide 2 anos desde

    ottimo sistema per gestire le prenotazione del nostro centro sportivo a Valdisotto

    info.valdisotto 3 anos desde
  • The Best

    This is the best I've seen. Has all the features I need !

    marvin 3 anos desde
  • Excellent calendar booking plugin

    Excellent calendar booking plugin - it just works - but the support is good too ;-)

    bw3em 3 anos desde
  • Begeistert.

    Auch der Support reagiert schnell und gut

    markus.ingendorn 3 anos desde
  • Prodotto OK per molteplici attività ricettive

    Sto usando questo addon da più di un anno e lo trovo OK, forse si può fare di meglio con la traduzione e la gestione calendari che si lega bene solo ad Airbnb, avrei preferito ci fosse anche Booking, nel complesso fa il suo mestiere, gli do 5 stelle perchè in definitiva lo configuro come voglio e questo significa che il software ha una buona flessibilità.

    appartamentoilbacio 4 anos desde
  • Good For Holiday Parks

    Works very well for us

    parkersfarm 4 anos desde

    I struggled mouths to find the right booking system for my holiday home. Now I can finally sleep at night and not have to worry about double bookings :-)
    Great product and super assistance!!!!!
    Thank you so much for your hard work guys ... and please don't stop ahah

    simona 4 anos desde
  • Plugin very intuitive and support extremely reactive

    This is a very complete set of necessary fonctionalities to handle what ever booking objects you need. But more over the support is extremely reactive.

    elrond.tatham 4 anos desde
  • Great plugin and does the job

    Great plug-in quite user friendly, a little difficult to setup but once you get the hang of it it is ok

    Grahamwood 4 anos desde
  • Nice, professional and quick support!

    Nice Team and Professional!! no more words!

    INFO631 4 anos desde
  • A good recommendation for a flexible implementation of booking requirements

    I have been running the Booking Calendar Pro on 2 websites for several years - of all the booking plugins I know it is certainly the first choice.

    The administration in the backend takes a little getting used to, but after you have learned the necessary steps, the application is easy. In the frontend the operation is self-explanatory and problem-free. Customers get along very well with it.

    I would also like to emphasize the very good support. Enquiries are answered quickly and competently - there's no better way!

    Overall, the plugin is a good recommendation for a flexible implementation of booking requirements.

    Jugalbandi 4 anos desde
  • The support team is perfect

    I want some functions to be improved.
    I am looking forward to version 3

    ruxp3943 4 anos desde
  • Excelente Plugin para Reservas

    Es un exclente plugin de reservas, pero falta más documentación y tutoriales para implementarlo.

    cmanzano 4 anos desde
  • Paloma

    Excelente plugin.

    info893 4 anos desde
  • Le Soustran

    Works perfect, with questions help is shortby. Very happy with

    lesoustran 4 anos desde
  • Okayish

    It’s fine for simple tasks, but it has a lot of annoyances when you dig deeper in the settings. Still the best one out there. And please get the Pro version, it’s at least one version better than the free one.

    olafdv 5 anos desde
  • Has great potential

    I discovered this plugin on the wpbeginner website and thought it was the answer. Having played with it, I’m really impressed. Unfortunately, I get some strange display issues on the front-end where the calendar dates jump down a row when dates are selected.

    It also seems to load unnecessary code on all pages on my site rather than only on the pages where the calendar is displayed. I’ve opened a ticket for this, so hopefully either I’m doing something wrong, or the developer will be able to address it.

    Mark 7 anos desde
  • Great little booking calendar!

    One of the better calendars/booking forms I’ve seen but the free version does not seem to work properly. Definitely does not work as good as the demo on the website (maybe it’s running on an older version of WP?). Either way, usability wise it’s still in beta. Will wait for version 2 to come out.

    paul 7 anos desde

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