Administration area / Active extensions / Products
The products component consists of items that are available for sale and that are linked to the calendar/ reservation. Consequently, the products’ price will be added to the reservation total price. Products work just like amenities, with the exception that they have a stock. As people buy the item, the stock lowers until it becomes 0 and therefore, the product unavailable. This means that people won’t be able to buy the item again until you add it back in stock. For every product you wish to add you need to create a new component.
The software is in BETA and some feature aren't available at the moment or may be subject to change.Main Settings
Once you have created a new product component, you can customise it in the configuration section. Main settings incorporate four tabs: in the ‘images’ tab you can add relevant photos, ‘applied to’ that can be used to link the component to one or more calendars, ‘actions’ which can be used to delete or duplicate it and ‘main data’ which contains the following:

Advance Settings
In the advanced settings, you can set custom availability, schedule and conditions. For more information on why and how to use the advanced settings, check the following sections of Pinpoint.Docs: Availability and Schedule, Prices and values and Conditions.