
Administration area / Common Settings / Conditions

For some components, along with custom prices, availability and schedule periods you can add conditions. You can find the conditions subcomponent in the configuration section, advanced settings > conditions.

You can create a new condition by using the ‘add’ button. You can add as many conditions as you want and their order will determine their priority, from top to bottom. When collapsed, tabs display the name and unique id. Manage your lists with the three buttons from the right:

1OrdenarDrag this button to rearrange the image subcomponents.2BorrarDelete the condition.3Expandir/ContraerExpand the subcomponent if you want to view or edit its content or collapse if you want to hide it.

You can only edit the condition while it is expanded. You can formulate the condition in the condition data tab.

Conditions configuration
4NombreEdit this field to change the name of the condition. Only you can see this name.5La declaraciónThe statement represents the first part of the condition, and it will establish to what kind of selections it will apply to (days, hours, minutes, items). The statements are as follows:5AEl número de días o noches seleccionado esThis means the condition will be related to the selected number of days or nights.5BEl número de horas o intervalos de horas seleccionados esThe condition will be related to the selected number of hours or hours intervals.5CEl número de minutos seleccionado esThe condition will be related to the selected number of minutes.5DEl número de elementos disponibles seleccionados esThe condition will be related to the number of selected items.5EEl precio de la reserva es deThe condition will be related to the reservation price.6Operador relacionalThis is directly related to the previous dropdown, as it will appear after you select a statement. It represents the second part of the condition, and it will establish the length of the selections it will apply to. By default, it is set to “equal to (=)”. The options are as follows: equal to, not equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, less than or equal to.7ValorAfter you select the statement and relational operator, you have to set a value. All three inputs will determine the condition, for example, “Reservation price is greater than or equal to $100” or “Number of days or nights selected is greater than 4” etc. The default value is 0.

Each subcomponent contains three tabs, condition data, availability and schedule. Unlike the general availability, the condition availability and schedule have the purpose to check when that condition will apply. To learn more about the advanced settings of the plugin, check out the links below.

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